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PMI-LA announces the launch of its new and improved JOBS board!

You wanted to know Jobs by locations close to you (or remote WFH) .... You wanted a bigger selection by INDUSTRY .... You wanted to see positions by your level of expertise ... You wanted to know positions that require PMP credentials ....  You wanted some validation that the job is a real opportunity .... well it is HERE!  Please check out the new Jobs board that can be reached from our home page by clicking JOBS (next to your login button).

In addition if you sign up for our Jobs subscriptions, every time there is a new opportunity posted, we will kick off a little notice to let you know to check it out!


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Attention PMI-LA Members!

You've Got Skills? Great! We can Use Them! No Skills? Even Better! Volunteering is an Awesome way to get Skills and Experience! Join the PMI-LA Chapter Volunteer Team and Bring Joy to the World (ok, maybe just LA)

Click Here to Learn about Volunteering and Open Positions