19 September 2019 at 10:00AM
Pasadena Community Meeting Recap
Even though it was first thing on a thursday morning, and some people were only on their first cup of coffee, this was a very interactive session facilitated by Byron Parson. The topic was about the importance of building good relationships, which is especially true for project managers as we are usually thrust into a project with new team members (often virtually nowadays). It is worth taking a few minutes to get to know your team mates, or co-workers, on a personal level. Studies indicate that 85% of job success comes from well-developed soft skills and people skills. It creates more engaged employees, better productivity, profitability and job growth.
Byron took us through one exercise thinking about "appreciation moments" in our lives, and looking around the room you could see the audience leaning in and showing pride in their accomplishments. This is something that we don't do often enough, but sitting back and reflecting can bring a smile to your face, and when you share it with someone else it brings them into your world, and provides a little better understanding of what makes you tick. Go ahead and try it some time, it is a very rewarding experience.
When available, the presentation slides will be posted here.
Note: the Pasadena morning meeting is held every month on the 3rd thursday, at the Parsons building. Next meeting on October 17th.
(December meeting is a field trip to see project management in progress, with one of the rose parade floats being built)