Multi-Chapter Meeting | The Project Value Equation: Justifying Budgets Across All Industries
Products and Projects cost money to deliver. Yet most of us as project, program, product leaders feel disconnected from the financial equation that drives our initiatives. Ironically, executives who own the business case are asking us to justify additional resources and budget.
That tension leaves us with many questions: Why should I shoulder financial justifications owned by someone higher up the organization? How can I juggle getting things done while also owning the business case? How do I answer these questions if my project isn't even about profit or ROI?
Whether you are an agile product owner or a senior program manager, this provocative session will equip you to champion your project as the best investment of time, attention, and resources. Come learn how to tell your project story, and demonstrate your skills as a strategic project leader.
- Project leaders will learn how to bridge the gap between project execution and financial justification, enhancing their ability to secure additional resources and budgets.
- Strategies will be provided to help leaders manage project delivery while also taking ownership of the business case, even for projects not focused on profit or ROI.
- Attendees will gain skills in advocating for their projects, telling compelling project stories, and demonstrating their value as strategic project leaders.
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This event may be canceled or postponed by the Chapter, though all efforts will be made to avoid doing so. If canceled or postponed, notification will be made to all registrants via email.