EVENING MEETING | Three Keys to Building Stress Resilience and Optimizing Performance

Technical = Ways of Working

In our fast and highly unpredictable climate of life, we can lose the ability to see a situation clearly, think from an expanded perspective and generate innovative and out-of-the-box solutions, plans, approaches, and decisions. 

What would your life be like if …

  1. you had more energy throughout the day?
  2. when out of sync, you could reset yourself just like you reset your computer?
  3. your communications were clear, rich, and fulfilling?

This webinar content is based on more than 30 years of published, peer-reviewed research on the science of resilience. 

This dynamic and interactive session will teach you…

  1. Three simple techniques to generate a state of mental and emotional calm and balance, facilitating clear thinking, greater focus, and increased energy.
  2. Increased situational awareness in relationships, meetings, and projects.
  3. Increased ability to handle challenging clients and situations.
  4. Skills to increase vitality and resilience.
  5. Methods to reduce stress, worry and fatigue.
  6. Enhanced ability to focus, process information and solve problems.

Speaker: Judy Hersch

hersch-judy-200x200.jpgJudy Hersch is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Evolution Solutions, a Professional Coaching Organization leading individuals, groups, and organizations worldwide in building extraordinary lives, businesses, relationships, and results.  She is certified as an Executive Coach and a Life Mastery Consultant and HeartMath Trainer.  She has worked with leaders in Fortune 1 – 500 companies, as well as small businesses and individuals seeking to turn ordinary lives into extraordinary lives.

Judy has also had a 20-year career as a certified project management professional (PMP) in the pharmaceutical and IT industries.  She graduated with a Master of International Business Administration from Florida International University where she further advanced her work with leaders, teams, and organizations from different cultures around the world.

She has a unique toolbox of resources to create custom experiences for each client, leveraging cutting edge tools, practices, and principles from various disciplines, including project management and conscious leadership, quantum science, epigenetics, and heart-brain coherence.

Ultimately, Judy’s vision and mission are centered on teaching a new approach to living and working that creates conscious leaders and organizations, and ignites a state of inspired genius, personal freedom, expanded awareness and joyful, collaborative exchanges for all.

Discover more at: https://www.myevolutionsolutions.com/

Speaker Contact Information :

Judy Hersch email: judy@myevolutionsolutions.com

Website:  https://www.myevolutionsolutions.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judyhersch/


  • 5:30 to 5:45 PM - Registration & Attendance
  • 5:45 to 7:30 PM – Presentation and Q&A


1 PDU will be awarded to the attendees. No further action is required 


You will be emailed a zoom link after completing the registration. The subject of the email will be: “Invoice for Your Purchase on PMI-LA”. Please save the zoom link and use it to log in on the event day.

Questions, Suggestions, Volunteer Inquiries

Contact the Evening Meeting Team at: program@pmi-la.org


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Postponement / Cancellation

Please refer to the Cancellation Policy section of the FAQ page

This event may be canceled or postponed by the Chapter, though all efforts will be made to avoid doing so.  If canceled or postponed, notification will be made to all registrants via email.


It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Public Events

Type of activity: Technical = Ways of Working

Date: October 30th, 2023

Hour: 5:30PM to 7:30PM

PDUs: 1


Members: $5.00

Non members: $10.00

