FLAGSHIP MEETING | 2024 Annual Business Meeting

Strategy = Business Acumen

Be a part of the thrilling transformation unfolding at PMI-LA's annual 'State of the Union' address! Dive into the remarkable accomplishments we achieved in 2023, from financial triumphs to groundbreaking Social Impact initiatives. Immerse yourself in the vibrant PMI-LA community, rub virtual shoulders with the dynamic 2024 Board of Directors, and get a sneak peek into the  initiatives in the pipeline. Your voice matters to us! Your insights will shape the course of our 2024 pursuits, allowing us to cater to our members' needs more effectively. Seize this opportunity to influence the direction of our chapter this year!

What's in it for you? Join us for breakout rooms and gain insight into the chapter’s financial health and strategic plans.  You'll also get a chance to engage directly with the PMI-LA community. Meet the heralds of change - our new Board of Directors - and discover opportunities to volunteer! Join us to shape the PMI-LA Chapter in 2024!


  • 6:30 - 6:45 PM - New Year & Welcome greetings 
  • 6:45 - 7:45 PM - 2023 Reflection (Looking Back) and 2024 Goals (Looking Forward) by 2024 Board of Directors
  • 7:45 - 8:25 PM - Breakout Sessions (smaller groups to answer questions and solicit ideas for 2024)
  • 8:25 - 8:30 PM - Wrap up 


2.0 for Business Strategy

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This event will be recorded and posted to the PMI-LA website. By participating, you are agreeing to allow PMI-LA to use in its promotional material.


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Upon participating in any PMI event, you are agreeing to allow PMI to use your likeness for use in its promotional material including their websites.

Postponement / Cancellation

Please refer to the Cancellation Policy section of the FAQ page

This event may be canceled or postponed by the Chapter, though all efforts will be made to avoid doing so.  If canceled or postponed, notification will be made to all registrants via email.


It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Public Events

Type of activity: Strategy = Business Acumen

Date: January 11th, 2024

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:30PM

PDUs: 2


Members: Free

Non members: $5.00

