EVENING MEETING | Global Project Management: How to effectively manage projects across borders. - Copy

Technical = Ways of Working

In today's interconnected world, the success of intercultural enterprises hinges upon effective communication and collaboration across international boundaries. However, a significant challenge arises when technically skilled managers ascend to positions of responsibility within these enterprises. While their technical prowess is unquestionable, many find themselves grappling with the complexities of intercultural dynamics and foreign language barriers.

This speech aims to shed light on the common predicament faced by managers who have risen through the ranks due to their technical expertise. These professionals, now tasked with intercultural responsibilities, often lack the essential intercultural competence and foreign language skills required for successful global leadership. Drawing from real-world examples and insightful research, we delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and offer actionable solutions. Our talk emphasizes the necessity of providing these managers with targeted cross-cultural training that aligns with their demanding schedules. We explore the implications of neglecting intercultural proficiency in the face of global business challenges and share proven strategies to bridge the intercultural gap to bring global projects to a successful completion.
Learning Points:
Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity:
Understand the significance of cultural differences in international project teams. Learn to navigate diverse communication styles, working norms, and decision-making processes to foster collaboration and prevent misunderstandings.

Cross-Cultural Team Building:
Explore strategies to build a cohesive and productive international team. Understand how team dynamics can be influenced by cultural backgrounds and learn to leverage diversity for innovation and problem-solving.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
Recognize that risks in international projects can vary due to geopolitical factors, local regulations, and economic conditions. Learn how to identify, assess, and mitigate these risks effectively.
Metrics and Performance Evaluation:
Understand how to measure project performance across international teams. Learn to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with different cultural expectations and business environments.

Learning from Diversity:
Recognize that international project management provides a unique opportunity for continuous learning. Embrace the chance to expand your worldview, gain new perspectives, and broaden your professional skill set.

Speaker: Marianna Guédez


When Marianna Guédez Forgiarini , a graduate student in translation and localization management at the Middlebury Institute, fled her native Venezuela in the wake of civil unrest eight years ago, she wrestled with feelings of uncertainty and dislocation.

As a way to work through the pain and confusion, she turned to poetry, a hobby she had always enjoyed; over time she had crafted a collection of poems, many of which now make up her memoir in verse: Desde el Exilio:

In 2014, she graduated from the University of the Andes as valedictorian, with a baccalaureate and two bachelor’s degrees: literature in classical studies and languages, and literature in Spanish and linguistics. By then, she says, “the people were basically in the streets screaming for freedom. Maduro took the power completely through fraud by manipulating electoral power.”


Discover more at: https://arcaniam.com/

Speaker Contact Information :

Marianna Guédez email: marianna.speaking@gmail.com

Website: https://arcaniam.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariannagf


  • 5:30 to 5:45 PM - Registration & Attendance
  • 5:45 to 7:30 PM – Presentation and Q&A


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Contact the Evening Meeting Team at: program@pmi-la.org


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Type of category: Public Events

Type of activity: Technical = Ways of Working

Date: January 29th, 2024

Hour: 5:30PM to 7:30PM

PDUs: 1


Members: $5.00

Non members: $10.00

