Member Contests
Social Media Contest: "What's Your Pandemic Project?"
To encourage everyone to stay connected, the PMI-LA Pandemic Committee has proposed a challenge to all Project Managers out there! Take a picture of something that you have accomplished during the pandemic and post them to your Facebook page with the hashtag #IamPMILA. The top entries each week will win a $10 gift card from Amazon!
Some general rules:
- Must be a member
- Contest will run from August 15-September 30 with weekly winners announced on the chapter Facebook page
- You must FOLLOW the chapter Facebook page:
- Update your PMI email contact information (to receive your award): (must login first)
- Enter as many times as you like for bragging rights, but you can only win once during this contest period
- Must post to your Facebook page with the #IamPMILA hashtag added
Posts will be gathered weekly and posted on the chapter Facebook page. Weekly winners will be notified via email. Some sample ideas of Pandemic Projects: New Home Office Project, Distance Learning Projects, New Hobbies, New Credentials, Home improvement Projects, ....anything you would like to share with your fellow Chapter Members!
For any questions about the contest, please reach out to